Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Library 2.0 in Our Future?

I think the idea of Library 2.0 is a wonderful thing, but then again I love new technology. The idea of an open WorldCat extends our quest for information without boundaries. I like the idea of participation between library staff and patrons contributing towards an electronic portal of information that could be accessed from anywhere. The idea of being able to put reviews, notes or tags with a book, movie, music, etc. would be great. One of the reasons I use Amazon is the customer reviews. You can see what people are reading or buying before you make a commitment. If Amazon doesn't have it, they often point to other sources. I also use Google when researching products or travel info. It points you to an infinite list of sources. To think that you could open up the library's home page and have the same capabilities as Amazon or Google to search out books or information on any given topic would be amazing.

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